
14 Day Love You Husband Challenge - Day 5

It's no secret that our marriages are under siege today and did you know it's reported that more than 60% of affairs begin at work?
People who work together obviously have some common interests/passions in order to be employed in the same field, but you know what else feeds the drive to cheat in the workplace?  Flirting!  That person at work likely has common interests but beyond that...they flirt.
Do you know what married people do very little of? Same answer...flirting!

The same things that got your husband a giggle, or some other kind of enamored response while the two of you were dating...likely gets him either no response now, or worse...get's him an eye roll or a look of repulse/annoyance.  

gerund or present participle: flirting
  1. 1.
    behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone

Just because there are rings on your fingers doesn't mean you stop letting your husband pursue you or hinting that you're interested in him!  Keep him engaged by flirting with him.  Maybe at dinner play footsie with him under the table, or give his bum a little swat when he passes by. If you're in a public place catch his eye, and then smile and wink.  Flirt with him via text!  Send him little messages about missing him, or what you want to do to him later that night.  Like most of these challenges, today's challenge is NOT difficult, you simply have to make a conscious effort.  Not only am I encouraging you to flirt with your husband...RESPOND if he flirts with you.  Don't act annoyed and discard his attempts either.

When you flirt with your husband you are telling him that you're attracted to him and interested.  But...be careful.  If you send him the signal that you are attracted and interested, but then there is no follow through - then it won't take long for him to get extra discouraged and frustrated.  I'm not saying you have to flirt with him every day and I'm also not saying that every time you flirt has to lead to sex...but make sure there is regular follow through.  Don't set him up and get his hopes up just to leave him hanging.

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