
14 Day Love Your Husband Challenge - Day 6

Why is it the simplest things can be so difficult?  Trust me, these challenges are coming from some very real struggles and from a very imperfect wife who continues to pursue God first and her husband next and is slowly learning how to better be the spouse her husband needs.

Today's challenge is going to tie closely with tomorrow's and it simply is...
Let him love you!  Let him find you attractive and quit trying to change his mind.  Today's challenge is not about what you need to do, but rather about what NOT to do.

When my husband says, "You're sexy" or "You're beautiful" what do I do?  I argue with him!!! I say things like, "No I'm not" or "Not anymore I'm not".  What? *smh* Why?  How is it that I want my husband to find me beautiful, I want him to be attracted to me and I NEED to hear that...yet when I do hear it, I try to override it with my own doubt and insecurity?

If you catch yourself doing that, you're not alone, but stop it!  Your challenge is to quit turning his compliment into an argument.  Quit discounting how he feels about you.  Use it as a perfect opportunity to respond back and give him a similar compliment.

The second half of today's challenge is...if your hubby doesn't tell you this enough, if you need to hear it more than you are...TELL Him!  Our husbands hate the guessing game, it exhausts them.  Most of them desperately want to do what makes us happy and if we share simple pointed suggestions they REALLY appreciate it!

So if he pays you a compliment - take it - give him the opportunity to pay you a compliment without discounting it, and if he's not paying you enough and you're desperately needing more reassurance...then let him know.  Say, "Honey, I've realized that when you tell me you love me or that you think I'm the prettiest girl in the world that it makes my day.  And when you forget to tell me, I get really down on myself and seem to struggle more.  Can you try to remind me of this at least once a week?"  (you can insert your own time frame).

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